CCAT 2024 Keynote Speakers
Prof. Zheng YAN
Xidian University, China
闫峥 教授,西安电子科技大学 (“华山学者”领军教授)
Speech Title: Usable Voiceprint Authentication Service with High Security and Privacy Preservation
Dr. Zheng Yan, Distinguished Professor at Xidian University, is an IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, and AAIA Fellow. She is a Stanford World top 2% scientiss, a Finnish Academy Fellow, and a highly cited researcher by Elsevier in China. Her research interests are in trust management, information and network security, privacy protection, and data analysis. She has published over 390 papers in prestigious journals and conferences worldwide, including IEEE SP, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TDSC, INFOCOM, and ICSE, with over 260 as first or corresponding author. She has authored two English books used for teaching for nearly a decade. She holds 108 international and domestic patents, including 50 PCT patents (with 30 independent inventions), with more than130 patents adopted by industry, some of which have entered international standards or are widely used. Her U.S. patents are tracked by over 60 Fortune Global 500 companies. She has received numerous awards, including the Nokia Distinguished Inventor Award, three EU awards, N²Women Star in Computer Networking and Communications, IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing, IEEE TEMS Distinguished Leadership Award, 17 IEEE Outstanding Leadership and Service Awards, AALTO ELEC Impact Award, IEEE ComSoc Big Data Technical Committee Best Journal Paper, IEEE TrustCom Outstanding Paper, Shaanxi Natural Science Award, and Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor by the Electronic Association. She founded the first IEEE Blockchain International Conference and serves as a Steering Committee Co-chair. She serves as an Executive Editor-in-Chief of Information Sciences and Area Editor/Associate Editor/Editorial Board Member of over 60 journals, including ACM Computing Surveys, Information Fusion, IEEE IoT Journal, IEEE Network Magazine, etc. She has served as a General Chair or Program Committee Chair for over 40 international conferences and has delivered about 30 keynote and invited speeches at international conferences and renowned enterprises.
Miaowen Wen
South China University of Technology
World’s Top 2% Scientists (Stanford List), 2019-2022; Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researchers, 2020-2023
温淼文 教授,华南理工大学
Speech Title: Affine Frequency Division Multiplexing for Next-Generation Wireless Networks: Principles and Challenges
Dr. Wen received the Ph.D. degree from Peking University, Beijing, China, in 2014. From 2012 to 2013, he was a Visiting Student Research Collaborator with Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. From 2019 to 2021, he was a Hong Kong Scholar with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Since 2014, he has been with South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, where he is currently a Professor. He has published two books and more than 100 Transactions papers. His research interests include a variety of topics in the areas of wireless and molecular communications. He was a recipient of the IEEE Asia-Pacific (AP) Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2020, and 6 Best Paper Awards from the IEEE ITST’12, the IEEE ITSC’14, the IEEE ICNC’16, the IEEE ICCT’19, the IEEE ISWCS’22, and the EAI QSHINE’22. He was the winner in data bakeoff competition (Molecular MIMO) at IEEE CTW'19, Selfoss, Iceland. He served as a Guest Editor for many journals including the IEEE JSAC, the IEEE JSTSP (two special issues). Currently, he is serving as an Editor/Senior Editor for the IEEE TCOM, the IEEE TMBMC, and the IEEE COMML.
Previous Speakers
Prof. Jun Fu Northeastern University, China
付俊 教授, 东北大学
未来技术学院院长,机器人学院常务副院长 |
Prof. Dianhui Wang China University of Mining and Technology, China
王殿辉 教授, 中国矿业大学 |
Prof. Yan Wu
Georgia Southern University, USA 吴岩 教授, 美国乔治亚南方大学 |